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: Mar 2011
: Patna
: 73
: 219 | 0.05 Per Day
Legitimacy and utility of anger

While it is true anger is not the answer, it is equally true that this anger which is like 'mercury rising' has both legitimacy and utility. Legitimacy because successive governments have failed us consistently and contributed to the making of this monster called corruption thus legitimizing our cynicism and annoyance with the system. Utility because it provides opportunity to preserve and pass on this anger to every next person as we pass on baton in a relay race. We must never allow this anger to settle or abate. This government is blissfully counting on our short memory syndrome. Let us keep our anger to the highest boiling point so that it may be easier to uproot them lock, stock and barrel when the opportunity affords us to do that. Anna is already preparing ground for that. And when the time to re-elect comes, we must not remain a passive on lookers. Multi-pronged attack is the need of the hour. But of course, we are not going to open so many fronts in one go. Let us for now concentrate our energy only on creation of Lokpal to strike at the root of corruption and the corrupt. Times have changed; strategies should change too.