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: Oct 2008
: India
: 36
: 59 | 0.01 Per Day
Arrow Guilt of Reservation benefit

Yes, the elite among SC/ST would use these benefits more. That is true of every society. It is the elite, the rich, the connected and the powerful are the ones who will ALWAYS make more out of what the society offers. Let us not be jealous and grudge their success. Think of them as the hopes and leadership of the rest left behind. Can we expect people struggling to make a living, facing day-to-day atrocities and humiliations to provide leadership and lead democratic means to demand their rights ? Unrealistic, I would say. Without ledaership, these deprived, marginalised dalits might resort to extreme measures. Look at how tribal youth are resorting to naxalism. They are facing a severe shortage of leadership. Few NGOs that are speaking for them can't be expected to really know and empathise with the tribal issues.

Also, do not ASSUME that people with reservation benefits do NOT work hard. They do and in fact, they need to work HARDER than others because of their shortcomings in many fronts. Coming to caste discrimination, it does not depend on your economic status. Even these elite face discrimination day in , day out. Let us not say we don't have this
problem anymore. Read the other articles and news in this website to understand the reality. You should feel OUTRAGED that the majority society is silent in the face of these injustices. They don't want to even acknowledge the existence of these problems. Mind you, this is just a fraction that gets reported.

Whether you avail of the benefits or not is upto individual decision. It is easy to fool ourselves to think that we have achieved everything on our own. An individual has to thank many unacknowledged factors for their success including the parents, the friends, the government, the leaders, the welfare schemes, the philanthropers, the faceless
social workers and many more. Reservation is also one of those factors and one should be thankful.