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AK soon overtake all other parties in all the political ills...

See Rahul Kanwal asked some pathetic question to Arivind and put his morality on question mark... AK learning rapidly which .....

Senior Member
: Aug 2011
: Ahmedabad
: 69
: 505 | 0.11 Per Day
Thumbs down AK soon overtake all other parties in all the political ills...

See Rahul Kanwal asked some pathetic question to Arivind and put his morality on question mark...
AK learning rapidly which he used to criticise others... I have said earlier many times that AAP honesty, morality can be judged after 5/10 years in politics but I think within couple of years AAP overtakes everyone for all these ills... the biggest hypocrites...
राहुल कंवलने अरविंदको कुछ एहम सवाल पूछे जो उसकी नैतिकता पर सवालिया निशान लगा देते है...
अरिविंद जिस बात प[आर दूसरोंकी टिका करताहै वोही सब राजकरणकी गंदगी सिख रहे है... मैंने पहले बहुत बार कहा हैकि कि आम आदमी पार्टीकी प्रमाणिकता, नैतिकता राजकरणमे ५/१० साल गुजरनेके बाद ही तय हो सकती है किन्तु अब हमें महज दो सलमे ही मालूम हो सकती है... इतनाही नहीं वो इस मामलेमे सब प्रमुख पक्षको भी पीछे छोड़ आगे निकल गायेगी... सबसे बड़ा पाखंडी निकला...


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