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How we can say Bye-Bye to Corruption

Gentlemen ! Why the corruption feature came in the nature of human being? We need more and more discussions on .....

Senior Member
: Aug 2011
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How we can say Bye-Bye to Corruption

Gentlemen ! Why the corruption feature came in the nature of human being? We need more and more discussions on the causes of its origion.As soon as we will be aware of its source of generation,we can give a better solution of its eradication.

Only imposing the laws is not a solution to finish this desease.We must understand that why a human being is now converted into human doing.And when human being came into the thought of "Body consciousness" he/she forget what actually he/she is.As being in the thought of "body conscious"everyone put themselves in the race of getting all the materials which they think are necessary to keep themselves happy and comfortable.From here the journey of "Bad Thoughts" starts.Bad thoughts are the mother of all kind of illness in the society as well as in the body.

Now you can easily understand that what would happen in the materialistic world?Only the competition.And in the competition one uses all the right or wrong means to be ahead to others.Human mentality totally changed and thought of getting more and more is the result of present situation where we are forced to think how to come over this situation where the corruption is spread in every corner of this materialistic world.

Along with the strong bills to restrict corruption,we must have to think and recognise ourselves what we are.The message of what actually we are should go to the masses.When human will start thinking that he/she is a SOUL only and coming in the situation of "Soul Consciousness" from "Body Counsciousness" he/she can come out from the race of getting more and more and also will have the Sympathy to others.

When you are kind you can serve better.

By heart if someone is pure never can do the corruption or think of any harm to others.

So here alongwith the Strong Laws it is the need of the day to spread the awareness to the masses what actually they are and what is their roll in this stage of world.

Agitations against the rulers to bring strong laws in the behest of public interests must be carry on as they people are in much need of PURIFICATION.

Jai Bharat !


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