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Exit democracy, enter e-democracy

Representative Democracy: indirect legislation E-Democracy: direct legislation USA adopted representative democracy in 1789, because all its citizens could not sit .....

: Jun 2011
: patna
: 53
: 54 | 0.01 Per Day
Exit democracy, enter e-democracy

Representative Democracy: indirect legislation
E-Democracy: direct legislation

USA adopted representative democracy in 1789, because all its citizens could not sit together, at one place, at one time, to exchange ideas, vote and make a decision.
Other countries adopted the system because it was better than the other worse systems.

Times have changed. The way Ahead:
Pillers of Democracy:
1. The President
2. The Prime minister
3. The Lok Sabha
4. The Rajya Sabha
5. The Judiciary
6. The Executive
7. The Media

We do away with The Rajya sabha.
The Lok sabha does functions of The Rajya sabha.
"THE CLOUD" takes over functions of The Lok Sabha.
Rest of the Pillars of Democracy, keep on doing their Job, as they do now, but with transparency, using information technology.

Ask Nandan Nilekani to, help us Indians, develop the system. As a result:

1. All Citizens are Legislators.
2. The Executive, with the help of experts, design a policy. It is discussed, modified and the final draft voted upon, in THE CLOUD.
3. After it is passed by THE CLOUD, it goes to The Lok Sabha.
4. After it is passed by The Lok Sabha, it goes to The President.
5. It becomes a bill only after it is signed by The Supreme Authority, The President of India.

Representative Democracy fails in The Third world. Look at failures in Africa, in Latin America and in The Indian Sub-continent. Look at the fragility of imposed democracy in Iraq and in Afganistan. All types of governance have a shelf life. If democracy doesn't evolve itself, Autocrats will rule the world, once again, in Circa 2500 A.D.

Therefore, open ur minds to E-Democracy. This will be SWARAJ as envisaged by our forefathers.

Last edited by goenkavijay89; 10-05-2011 at 10:28 AM
: Jun 2011
: patna
: 53
: 54 | 0.01 Per Day

Electronic direct democracy-
Electronic direct democracy (EDD) is the strongest form of direct democracy, in which people are involved in the legislative function. Many advocates think that also important to this notion are technological enhancements to the deliberative process. Electronic direct democracy is sometimes referred to by many other names, such as open source governance and collaborative governance.
EDD requires electronic voting or some way to register votes on issues electronically. As in any direct democracy, in an EDD, citizens would have the right to vote on legislation, author new legislation, and recall representatives (if any representatives are preserved).
Technology for supporting EDD has been researched and developed at the Florida Institute of Technology,[21] where the technology is used with student organizations. Numerous other software development projects are underway,[22] along with many supporting and related projects.[23] Several of these projects are now collaborating on a cross-platform architecture, under the umbrella of the Metagovernment project.[24]
EDD as a system is not fully implemented in a political government anywhere in the world, although several initiatives are currently forming. Ross Perot was a prominent advocate of EDD when he advocated "electronic town halls" during his 1992 and 1996 Presidential campaigns in the United States. Switzerland, already partially governed by direct democracy, is making progress towards such a system.[25] Senator On-Line, an Australian political party running for the Senate in the 2007 federal elections, proposed to institute an EDD system so that Australians can decide which way the senators vote on each and every bill.[26] A similar initiative was formed 2002 in Sweden where the party Aktivdemokrati, running for the Swedish parliament, offers its members the power to decide the actions of the party over all or some areas of decision, or alternatively to use a proxy with immediate recall for one or several areas.
: Jun 2011
: patna
: 53
: 54 | 0.01 Per Day


....Why do men behave justly ?
Is it because they fear societal punishment? Are they trembling before notions of divine retribution? Do the stronger elements of society scare the weak into submission in the name of law?

....Socrates asks permission to backtrack a little at the opening of Book VIII in order to analyze the forms of corrupt governments. This way they can also look at the individuals inhabiting them, thus cutting away the grist so that only the meat, the just man, may remain. There are four principle defective forms: timocracy, oligarchy, democracy, and tyranny. Aristocracy's (the republic) degeneration into timocracy occurs as a kind of hypothetical fluke, an error in population control. The timocracy is a government based primarily on honor not justice, and the timocratic man is torn between his philosophical ancestors and new, ingratiating contemporaries who flatter his vanity. Oligarchy arises when wealth becomes the standard. The State separates into two distinct and distant classes‹rich and poor. And the timocrat embodies the old, honorable ways in competition with avarice. After a revolution in which the rulers are overthrown by the discontented poor, democracy, the most liberal and various State appears. The democratic representative is ruled by appetites that hold sway well above reason or honor. The final dissolution into the worst and most wicked form of government, tyranny, is the result of democracy's supposed virtue: freedom. But is in excess and, after another revolution, a new ruler, the tyrant ascends. He has no unlimited freedom and thus no morals. He feels off the State, taxes his people, protects himself with mercenaries, and destroys any threat to this power. The book's most miserable character, the tyrant is antithetical to the guardian; he is injustice incarnate.

....The form of government Socrates points out, the human tendency, to corruption by power and thus the road to timocracy, oligarchy, democracy and tyranny: concluding that ruling should be left to philosophers, the most just and therefore least susceptible to corruption.

Last edited by goenkavijay89; 10-05-2011 at 10:21 AM


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