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: Oct 2012
: Perth, WA
: 52
: 59 | 0.01 Per Day

Friends Good Morning!

I am very much impressed with IAC and their commitments and i am personally abig fan of Army life what a great discipline they have in their life.

But unfortunate part is i am not finding any line of action of IAC, even i am not sure some body is following this website.

It is my opinion, more and more people should be connected to IAC but how, most of us are from middle class of families, we need to earn to live for ourselves and our family. Sometimes i feel IAC should collect the donations legally and hire the competent persons with reasonable salaries to promote the mission....... not sure how these guys are going to manage......

Anyway good to see that so many people have same mission in country and definately can do great for the nation.

Best regards