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: Oct 2012
: Perth, WA
: 52
: 59 | 0.01 Per Day

Good morning mukesh ji,

I tried to find line of action or plans of IAC but unfortunately can't succeed, not sure what is IAC is planning to do?? bit disappointed.

Of course they need more people to work with them, some of us have internet access doesn't mean IAC will come in power, it is not easy, building team, selecting right candidates all these are big jobs and most of us are in full time job, how will u find correct people to do the job, i think IAC should collect offical donations and hire correct people for further marketing of IAC Brand.

Very disappointed to see that Narendra Modi is not in PM race, people who r working their parties are not taking care, its all about getting the power at any cost whether it is in national interest or not.

Best regards