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Junior Member
: Aug 2012
: Bhavnagar, Gujarat
: 62
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political front is required

Annaji, Madam Bedi
Hunger strike in hope of response from government which has no moral value is of no use. How can you expect that the people who are struggling for their survival will gather with you for days together. It doesnot mean that you are loosing public participation and support against corruption and why only corruption. This shameless government is feeding Afjal Guru and Ajmal Kasab from tax payers money. Please be united with Baba Ramdev and soon come out with a political outfit with clear objectives. I am 100% sure that this outfit will have a thumping win and then and then only, we can achieve our goals. Donot go on hunger strike again, have nutrious food so that you are healthy enough to see our country corruption and terrorism free.