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: Aug 2011
: Delhi
: 60
: 70 | 0.02 Per Day
Bas ese hi ho jay ga Bharat Nirmaan ?

Jai Bharat

Dear friends (Bhartiyas), you may get annoyed with me or even use any harsh words for me.

But let me tell you all that discussion about all present politicians of the world in general and of modern India in particular, is pure Wastage of time.

When we have many serious matters to discuss and things to think about BHARAT MAHAN, how can a set of very SELECTIVE THINKERS like you all get time for all such things.

I have placed a link on ACHARYA CHANKAYA and hoping that you all have been busy in seeing and analyzing the same to get some solid clues for HOW WE CAN GET THE PURE FABRIC OF BHARAT MAHAN UNDER THE DUST OF THIS MODERN INDIA’S VEIL.


TO SEE THE WORK OF ACHARYA CHANAYA and try to get somewhat conclusive

Jai Bharat