India Against Corruption


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Changes in Indian Govt. Election System

There should be a great revolution in Indian Election system to make a politically educated Govt. of India that any .....

Junior Member
: May 2011
: New Delhi
: 2 | 0.00 Per Day
Changes in Indian Govt. Election System

There should be a great revolution in Indian Election system to make a politically educated Govt. of India that any person who is nominated as election candidate in India should not have any past or present criminal records or link to any criminal gang or ongoing Judiciary case. The person who gets the nomination for election candidature should be well educated and there should be an pre-election written and penal test by a designted board on their political knowledge. There should be a political training of
Minimum three months post election course for all the elected candidates.

Thank you
Ajoy Chakraborty
Junior Member
: Aug 2011
: Hyderabad, Andhara Pradesh
: 47
: 2 | 0.00 Per Day

Yes, very true. but the problem to bring about any change the MP's Parliament should do it and we all know how educated the current MP's are. And unfortunately, even the ducated PMji as good as uneducated.

Junior Member
: Aug 2011
: india
: 46
: 8 | 0.00 Per Day

Yes,Rite..but after election,The just think abt there profit and loss,then they turned in to the how we can say that over nation is nw insafe hands....system of election is rite...but the peoples is used to this system is totally corrupt..
Junior Member
: Aug 2011
: Delhi
: 63
: 26 | 0.01 Per Day

Don't worry my dears,solution is there with Mr.Anna to root out this corruption from India.The only need of today is to support him fully with soul.Bande Matram !
Junior Member
: Aug 2011
: Bangalore
: 2 | 0.00 Per Day

Corruption is like a cancer which will hinder the development of Nation.As long as the politicians support the corruption no change can be expected. Political system should be filtered to see the great India.
: Jun 2011
: 41
: 76 | 0.02 Per Day

What Does the Word “Corruption “ Mean…do It Came in A Day Year Month but it Prevails for Centuries due to 3 WORD OWN-SELF + SELFISH Act and LURK and would prevails the World till those Silent and allow them to Spread as like WEB are not Shaken from there INNER……as like Example Our LAND Our Country We Allowed Mughal…Shivaji Fought Along and after then Mughal Started Saying they are What not born in INDIA but Now there Generation Born so it’s their country and same Way British Came..They Did……WHY AS POWER + WHY as Known’s How to tackle the Society as full of Own self + Selfish + Tracery and ready to Struck at Back Just For Power...Money without Humanity…Vice versa….and it just Stared just to PLEASE and DO OWN WORK and make the taker Greedy and a Chain System…..Not ONLY in GOVERNMENT dept but same PRIVATE other way Corruption = here OIL and Please = WHY
So to Remove CORRUPTION if a 1 is LEFT then RESULT 0 Remember JHANSI RANI Lost His Fort only Due to 1 Men Treachery RAU DAULAJO and Same in the Battle Lost Due to Twisted Mind and Diversification to Distraction of Happenings in the BATTLEFIELD.
AND NO BILL WILL SOLVE any PROBLEM UNLESS MODERN Equipment to Technology is Implement without MIDDLEMAN SHIP as these POLITICIAN AND RULING ADMIN TO POLICE KNOWS HOW TO TWIST ….and as See SLAVE GONE…RICH POWER DIFFERENCE in WORK Sector Gone….KING / QUEEN RULE GONE so now MINISTER RULE TOO NEED MODERNIZATION USING COMPUTERIZED COMPLAIN and ONLINE SOLUTION Data BANK all ONLINE ACCESS From LAND MAP to FLAT SELL to FLAT EACH MATERIAL PRODUCT PURCHASE as you might had not Notice Just for a Shelter 1 Turns Corrupt and these Promoter Earning in Lakhs from a Sell Were margin Should be Within 50 Thousand but are 5 – 25 Lakhs….WHY????
CommonManThe Sufferer on Scribd | Scribd

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hiiii joy , thanx anna ji ka sath dene ke liyeread this once“हम वतन के लऱए॒लिर कटाते रहे, ददद होता रहा छटपटाते रहे, आईने॒िे िदा चोट खाते रहे, वो वतन बेचकर मुस्कुराते रहे “280 ऱाख करोड़ का िवाऱ है... भारतीय गरीब है ऱेककन भारत देश कभी गरीब नहीॊ रहा"* ये कहना है स्स्वि बंक के डाइरेक्टर का. स्स्वि बंक के डाइरेक्टर ने यह भी कहा है कक भारत का ऱगभग280 ऱाख करोड़ रुपये उनके स्स्वि बंक मं जमा है. ये रकम इतनी है कक भारत का आने वाऱे30 िाऱं का बजट बबना टैक्ि के बनाया जा िकता है.या यूॉ कहं कक60 करोड़ रोजगार के अविर कदए जा िकते है. या यूॉ भी कह िकते है कक भारत के ककिी भी गाॉव िे कदल्ऱी तक4 ऱेन रोड बनाया जा िकता है. ऐिा भी कह िकते है कक 500 िे ज्यादा िामास्जक प्रोजेक्ट पूर्द ककये जा िकते है. ये रकम इतनी ज्यादा है कक अगर हर भारतीय को2000 रुपये हर महीने भी कदए जाये तो60 िाऱ तक ख़त्म ना हो. यानी भारत को ककिी वल्डद बंक िे ऱोन ऱेने कक कोई जरुरत नहीॊ है. जरा िोलचये... हमारे भ्रष्ट राजनेताओॊ और नोकरशाहं ने कैिे देश को ऱूटा है और ये ऱूट का लिऱलिऱा अभी तक 2011 तक जारी है. इि लिऱलिऱे को अब रोकना बहुत ज्यादा जरूरी हो गया है. अॊग्रेजो ने हमारे भारत पर करीब200 िाऱोतक राज करके करीब1 ऱाख करोड़ रुपये ऱूटा. मगर आजादी के केवऱ64 िाऱं मं हमारे भ्रस्टाचार ने280 ऱाख करोड़ ऱूटा है. एक तरफ200 िाऱ मं1 ऱाख करोड़ है और दूिरी तरफ केवऱ64 िाऱं मं280 ऱाख करोड़ है. यालन हर िाऱ ऱगभग4.37 ऱाख करोड़, या हर महीने करीब 36 हजार करोड़ भारतीय मुद्रा स्स्वि बंक मं इन भ्रष्ट ऱोगं द्वारा जमा करवाई गई है. भारत को ककिी वल्डद बंक के ऱोन की कोई दरकार नहीॊ है. िोचो की ककतना पैिा हमारे भ्रष्ट राजनेताओॊ और उच्च अलिकारीयं ने ब्ऱाक करके रखा हुआ है. हमे भ्रस्ट राजनेताओॊ और भ्रष्ट अलिकारीयं के स्खऱाफ जाने का पूर्द अलिकार है.हाऱ ही मं हुवे घोटाऱं का आप िभी को पता ही है- CWG घोटाऱा, जी स्पेक्ुम घोटाऱा , आदशद होउलिॊग घोटाऱा ... औरना जाने कौन कौन िे घोटाऱे अभी उजागर होने वाऱे है ........आप ऱोग जोक्ि फॉरवडद करते ही हो. इिे भी इतना फॉरवडद करो की पूरा भारत इिे पढ़े... और एक आन्दोऱन बन जायेSpread it like a Wild fire Our Nation needs us Please Contribute ...Atleast by forwarding this... This is not just a forward, it is the future of our Nation

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All the best,

India Against Corruption
Junior Member
: Aug 2011
: kolkata
: 1 | 0.00 Per Day

jai hind
and support anna ji
Junior Member
: Aug 2011
: Assam
: 9 | 0.00 Per Day
Exclamation Elections need immediate reforms

The process of conduct of elections in India also needs to be given serious consideration under the JLPB. Over the years, in the name of elections, lot of funds have been splurged unnecessarily, which could be curtailed. Expenses, not only by the candidates, need meaningful monitoring and curtailing; the expenditures incurred by the election officials also need to be microscopically scrutinized. The present strictures are practically meningless as they are hardly implemented, especially in case of ruling party candidates particularly when it comes to curbing the erstwhile mininsters. The Model Code of Conduct has also remained a paper tiger in its impelementation, always turning a blind eye to the majority party candidates. The party candidates of the Govt. in power immediately preceding the elections, are more often found to be treated sparingly which makes them use it as a weapon against their rivals. False and inflated expenses are also a common practice amongst election conducting officials making the voters' exercise of franchise an exercise in corruption for the former.


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