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Main leader hoon !!!!!

Youngsters of this country are disappointed, disturbed and confused. They cannot understand why all these untoward things are happening in .....

: Aug 2012
: Hongkong
: 52 | 0.01 Per Day
Main leader hoon !!!!!

Youngsters of this country are disappointed, disturbed and confused.
They cannot understand why all these untoward things are happening in this country. They want to know who is to blame. Not them.
If they want to study at night and there is no power, they want to know who is to blame. Not them.
If they want to have a bath, there is no water; they want to know who is to blame. Not them.
They want to go to college and university and they are told there are not any vacancies; they want to know who is to blame. Not them.

1. The first, the primary, indeed the cardinal attribute of leadership is professional knowledge and professional competence.
2. Professional knowledge and professional competence are a sine qua non of leadership. Unless you know what you are talking about, unless you understand your profession, you can never be a leader.
3. Every time you go round somewhere, you see one of our leaders walking around, roads being blocked, transport being provided for them. Those, are not leaders. They are just men and women going about disguised as leaders – and they ought to be ashamed of themselves!

4. What is the next thing you need for leadership? It is the ability to make up your mind to make a decision and accept full responsibility for that decision. Have you ever wondered why people do not make a decision? The answer is quite simple. It is because they lack professional competence, or they are worried that their decision may be wrong and they will have to carry the can.

5. But if you do not take a decision, you are doing something wrong. An act of omission is much worse than an act of commission. An act of commission can be put right. An act of omission cannot.

6. Make a decision and having made it, accept full responsibility for it. Do not pass it on to a colleague or subordinate.

7. So, what comes next for leadership? Absolute Honesty, fairness and justice

8. Next attribute of Leadership - Moral and Physical Courage.

9. What is moral courage? Moral courage is the ability to distinguish right from wrong and having done so, say so when asked, irrespective of what your superiors might think or what your colleagues or your subordinates might want
10. People will want all sorts of things. You have got to have the moral courage to stand up and tell them the facts. Again,a ‘yes man’ is a despicable man.
11. Next attribute: Physical courage. Fear, like hunger and sex, is a natural phenomenon. Any man who says he is n


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