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Entering politics is the logical conclusion

Politics is not abad word As Lenin once said when politics decides everything you must decide what your politics should .....

Junior Member
: Aug 2012
: Delhi
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Entering politics is the logical conclusion

Politics is not abad word
As Lenin once said when politics decides everything you must decide what your politics should be
In a democracy unless u join politics it is impossible to make any serious change ge as everything is decided by Parliament and state Assemblies as they r the constitutional bodies which has the legitimate poewer to do things
others can only demand and only act as a pressure group or bring issues tothe notice of the government through various methods like the one has been followed by Team Anna or fior that matter the demad for RTI by NgOs and the ultimate victory of people who fought for it
But anti corruption movemrent is much bigger and larger than RTI or such legislations
coming back to joining politics or forming a political party if we look at the political parties of today we can see that they all are the results of various movements
Congress party is the product of freedom movement various socialist groups including the communist parties have their origin in varuous working class and peasant movements of the country and the world
even if we look at the recent parties they rare the prductsof varuois social movements The DMKs in Tamil Nadu is the prduct of a social movement
The changes we witnessed in the poltics in UP the largest state in india is the reassertion of economically and socially disadvateged sections of the society whether it is SP or BSP in the form of apolitical movement
Hence I think it is natual for the anticorruptiom movement to turn in to a political force and in the procees you may get to work with various political parties and leadres who r also fighting against corruption
This is an Era of coalition and you will find lot of like minded political parties to join with you in the fight against corruption


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