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Gay/Lesbians unnatural can be explain with simple logic...

Gay/Lesbians (LGBT) are definitely unnatural can be explain with simple logic... Man and woman can give child birth to carry .....

Senior Member
: Aug 2011
: Ahmedabad
: 69
: 505 | 0.11 Per Day
Gay/Lesbians unnatural can be explain with simple logic...

Gay/Lesbians (LGBT) are definitely unnatural can be explain with simple logic... Man and woman can give child birth to carry on our existence... Can Gay/Lesbians does it? Sometimes simple logic and common sense leads to solid proof which even after spending huge money on scientific research cannot...
Someone argue that scientifically it is proved that LGBT is genetic defect... Then heart, obesity and others are also genetic defect and described as disease... So LGBT is also described as kind of disease... Both need physical and/or mental treatment and curable...
समलिंगी (पुरुष/पुरुष या गे, स्त्री/स्त्री या लेस्बियन) संबंध पूर्णरूपसे अकुद्रतीही है जो सीधे सादे तर्कसे समजाया जा सकता है... पुरुष, स्त्री मिलकरही बच्चे पैदा किये जा सकते है जो अपने अस्तित्वके लिए जरुरी है... क्या गे/लेस्बियन ये कर सकता है? कभी सीधा सादा तर्क या सामान्य बुद्धि ठोस सबिता दे देता है जो ढेर सरे पैसे खर्च करकेभी वैग्यानिक संशोधन नहीं कर पाता...
दलील कि जाती हैकि विग्यानने पुरवार किया हैकि समलिंगी संबंध आनुवंशिक खामी है... तो दिल या मोटापा जैसी कई बीमारीया आनुवंशिक है जो एक बीमारीही गिनी जाती है... तो समलिंगी संबंध भी एक बीमारीही है और ये सबको दुरस्तीके लिए शारीरिक या मानसिक सारवारकि ही जरुरत है...
Senior Member
: Aug 2011
: Sambalpur, Orissa
: 47
: 120 | 0.03 Per Day

No one should go against NATURE in the name of freedom
Junior Member
: Dec 2013
: Maharashtra
: 2 | 0.00 Per Day

What is wrong if a human has feelings for someone of the same sex? How are we to decide what is natural and unnatural? If two individuals of the same sex have feelings for each other; it is not because they popped some pills. Isn't it natural?

Last edited by preyasgandhi123; 12-18-2013 at 05:30 PM
Senior Member
: Aug 2011
: Ahmedabad
: 69
: 505 | 0.11 Per Day

what they are doing privately in the private room it is their matter problem is that their fight is to legalize it is wrong and objectionable...
Junior Member
: Dec 2013
: Lushiana
: 14 | 0.00 Per Day

democracy allows people to do and practice their freedom in a way without harming others, if you are being hostile to homosexuals you are against the idea of liberty and freedom, you should be considered enemies of human civilization and its progress. i would discard you as my neighbor and have nothing to do with you. if somebody would say such things about you the way you said it for homosexuals i would defend you but so far you have only disappointed the great democracy we could be
Junior Member
: Dec 2013
: Maharashtra
: 2 | 0.00 Per Day

They (LGBT) are not aliens who have come from outer space. If they come from straight men and women (in a natural way) why shouldn't they be given similar rights? And if they fight to gain equal rights, i dont see it to be wrong and objectionable.


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