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Senior Member
: Aug 2011
: Ahmedabad
: 69
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Dear Sunil - that is what we have to fight about wrong govt. view...

those having more than 2 children we have to try to awake them by explanation or giving lollipop of giving reservation benefit with such condition...

"In my opinion the basic funda of more than 2 children is - Too many hands makes too many earnings"... I dont agree... earning from many children comes in the question after they become adult for earning... on one side we oppose child labor so this upto 18/20 age is not applicable... so till he chld become eligible for earning... the prime priority to give him proper education, food nourishment... and with the more children you cannot fulfill your proper responsibility and we start blaming to govt. for it... please understand that prime responsibility for children is with parents and not the govt... govt. job is to provide proper infrastructure and facilities...