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Summit Ensign
Senior Member
: Aug 2011
: Kolkata
: 384 | 0.08 Per Day

My Dear Vinay,

You've now proved yourself even worse than a frog with your intellect and knowlegde of the amphibians.

There are not 22, or 23 as you 'claim' to be, but more than 4000 species of Frogs....

My Dear Vinay,

There's perhaps no one sadder than me at the moment; for with every key I had pressed to write what I had above, and before, I had run a Blade through my heart.

Both You and I are the sons of the same Mother - Mother India. You're my Brother, and your place is nowhere else but my heart. And so, everytime I pressed a key to cut you, I cut myself.

(But let not anything in this lead you to think I'm saying this out of fear or pressure; I'm a disciple of Netaji subhash Chandra Bose, and such a person knows not how to fear. For instance, try writing anything in one-sided, unexplained favour of anyone, and you'll again see me come out strongly.

Nor is this any indication that our debate on Mr. Narendra Modi is over, or anywhere close to. My difference of opinion continues...and strongly so... )

But for whatever I say, whatever I do, you'll always be my brother, and you'll always have that special place in my heart. You can NEVER be a frog, or any other creature, FOR IF YOU ARE, I'LL BE NO DIFFERENT. You're always my brother, and you'll always be.

I don't wish to hurt you. In any way. Your heart is precious to me. If it breaks, mine will bleed.

Wish you All Happiness,

My Love to You,


(P.S. : This is under the assumption that you're an individual like me, a common Indian concerned about his nation, and not any party-sent agent trying to cultivate vested interests on their behalf. If the converse is true, I revert to my earlier position at once, and none of the above in this post outside of brackets applies. I'm certainly for Brotherly Love, but under No Circumstances will I ever Compromise on my Values, or my Nation. Thank You.)

Last edited by Summit Ensign; 09-23-2011 at 10:07 AM