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Junior Member
: May 2011
: Banguluru
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I think reservations should be confined to the economically back ward people. Caste system is an outdated Idea and has lost its value in todays society. Having said that there were times when Dalits were run over by the priviledged caste. But times have changed and as long as the candidate is performing it really doesnt matter which creed he/she belongs. More over what is the point in having reservation at college level where the actul problem is at primary school. There is NO effort by the government to improve the infrastructure of the Schools and the choosen few so called "back ward class" people who get to gradution level, are usually the priveledged ones.

Every society is judged by how it takes care of the underprivilidged lot. Reservation is a very power full concept if we wish to keep balance between the rich and poor and look after the ones who are less fortunate. How ever our political system has mis-used it for way too long. Its time this stops.