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Senior Member
: Apr 2011
: gwalior
: 55
: 711 | 0.15 Per Day
"show the mirror to Gov."

Gentle men ! Indian Government makes the citizen to learn how to disobey the each of us are well known that today our railway sytem is well interconnected with internet. How many passenser boarded on the train can be known with a single click. Mostly all of us see trains over crowded. How they got over crowded ? why are tickets sold beyond the capacity of the train ?. As railway department are charging same money from the traveller who is sitting, lying or standing in the compartement. Can railway department tell us ? what kind of message it is relaying to the public. "No matter what is the capacity of train, the task is to sell as many tickets as you can ? This is a single example of indian government working style. So how can we expect indian government to bring money deposited in swiss bank easily. At present Government & its departments seems disobeying the rules at first sight in every expect. We have to go long way........................but there is hope "hon'ble anna ji" and we to follow him.........