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Junior Member
: Apr 2011
: Bangalore
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Exclamation Root cause analysis.

Thanks guys. Swelled to see such reciprocations..

@Yogesh & Charu mitra: Thanks a lot for your supportive words and valuable points in your comments. Agreed on almost everything.

@Ayyanar: Thank you. You are rite, this cannot be achieved overnight, just by passing a bill. This should evolve slowly by educating people towards the wonders that can happen in their personal life, living in a lesser corrupt nation and when that is their own nation. Also this website can do wonders too. But I don’t think much people visit here. And I’m amazed to see that some people consider, having some national pride and playing a responsible citizen role is a shameful trait. Just wondering on the ways I can tell people that it should be one’s pride. I know people are busy with their own personal fights with their daily survival, but we also have a dutiful role to play as citizens of a nation too. We praise Japan and countries like that, and would die to live in a country of such kind (mite be not Japan now, bcz of tremors and tsunamis), but we don’t want to put any effort in turning our nation into one such? We find our home dirty, so we praise others, whose is clean and go there and live?? Shouldn’t we BE CLEAN and make ours a model? Might it take some more effort and time, but at the end, it’s OUR HOME!

@ Ganesan: Thanks Sir. I got ur point. But, I was intending to say that, we should first have the mindset of WE NOT TRYING TO CORRUPT, or demand for corruption. In the example I quoted (traffic one), I've not assumed some random one, that was one which is very factual, often encountered one and I've witnessed it a lot. We don't want ppl to be corrupt, bcz we don't wanna lose our hard earned money. But we are ready to bribe, as a kind of trade off we have to do in saving some higher penalty, we don’t mind. Not only this example, in many cases like to get our job done sooner, to get some special attention and care, we don’t mind paying them a bribe. I’m rather kind of REMINDING us towards the unfortunate fact that “BRIBING HAS BECOME A CUSTOME” so deeply inculcated in our normal lives to the extent of making us forget that IT IS A CRIME and we bribe it as no wonder, but wondering at somebody, doesn’t ask for bribe. What’s the fun in fighting against corruption, appeasing our self, thinking that somebody, like Anna Hazare, is there to fight for us and take care of, unless we vow to not to bribe and lure them to be corrupt?!

And, when you say, “when things reach a flash point”, I’d want to tell you one thing, another sad fact, that We, Indians have trained ourselves so hard that our flash point is too higher and never be reached easily, but build tolerance and set the bar high, every time and be ready to welcome new challenges (I mean bigger corruption). The temperament and the mentality of we Indians, it’s we don’t make up our mind to put even an ounce of effort to change and see things as we want to, but instead we want the world to change according to our convenience, or else we are so much flexible and supple, get used to transgression and become rancid till death. IF WE WANT CHANGE, WE SHOULD CHANGE! No matter however long gone by deeply ingrained custom it is, we allowed it to grow, now it’s our obligation to root out “IF WE WANT IT”. We should change our mind set!

It’s rightly said by you that “Bringing change requires selfless work of at least some people to fight the case of the society for prolonged durations and Anna represents such an effort today”. My perception is, we shouldn’t be dependent on some selfless person to pledge his life like that to save us, but rather have one in each of our own self!

Even, I’m badly wanting this to see this, making a history record in how we turned our nation from such a drowned situation of corruption to a zenith of bliss! But I’m afraid, lest this goes into the same pages of, how we got our independence from Britishers and then kept mum once dust settled, but played a catalyst role in rotting our nation!
I know we have a democracy, BIGGEST ONE in the world (Of course). But the situation is no lesser than any dictatorship, rather worse, being dictated by every god@mn politician, in their own way, according to their convenience, to make them grow richer! See, how many hindrances since how long, in passing a bill to curb evil?? Who’s accountable Sir, for this situation?? Didn’t we have the role to play once and after we got our nation freed from Britishers, before Anna Hazare, a 75 yr elderly man, turn up to remind? I’m not throwing any negative energy here. I’m analyzing and trying to comprehend the Root Cause for this. Not a revolution required, it should evolve from and within us and just small things threw in by every civilian, in our everyday routine, accounts a lot altogether! Unless, how many ever Gandhis, Hazares come, starve, fight, can’t save us, NOT EVEN GOD.

India is/was NEVER a poor country Sir. It’s corrupted, uncivilized! Civilization doesn't only mean, who was first to invent and wear clothes, society should be a civilized and solace to live in.

Yes we should stand united, not just fighting against corruption, but making a nation with better CIVILIZATION.

Last edited by Bhargavi; 05-05-2011 at 12:58 PM